clz at nite...

we had clz wif e. rosmi last nite - insurance law... p.cik osman said (our bus driver) the bas will come at 8pm... but b4 8pm the bus left us ( my clazmate n i)... so tiqah clled p.cik osman n thnk god he asked other drver to came again to take us... thnk p.cik osman... e.rosmi our lect looks very stylo wif his jacket... huhu... saat sy menulis blog ini sesungguhnye sy kekeringn idea... skrg pkol 11.15 am... x mkn lg... im starving rite now... clz stat at 2.30 pm... actually i jz wanna put some pics which is i took last nite wif my housemate..
love!!!!!!!!!!!.... haynee pnye idea r ni nk wt shape cm ni

we r super super super girl....

super chulaya n super oni....

sempat lg ambk gmbr sblm msk clz... hehe... alamk... dayah trtingl r...