
i got this email from my fren.... mmg sesuai utk korg yg ske mengadap lappy or pc 24 jam... korg tgk puas2... korg diwajibkn tgk...

For everyone who works daily on a computer.

The mistakes daily mouse and keyboard usage

will result in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!

Use the mouse and keyboard correctly.

View below for the surgery of a patient suffering

from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome followed by the
RIGHT TECHNIQUES for usage....

takut x? takut x? takut kn? kn? kn? kn? kn?

bknnye xbole ngadap lptop or pc... bole je... tp ade la crenye... bkn main booo je... ok skrg tgk plak cre yg btol ngadap lptop or pc... jgn tgk je... amalkn la skali

p/s : aku pn slalu salah teknik wei... kehkehkeh
